
Monday 21 November 2011

The grand opening ceremony

The grand opening ceremony

On the 9th September Tamaki Intermediate decided to host their own Rugby World Cup . So we had to choose a country we would like to represent. So the following countries participated in this magnificent event. There was Tonga, France, Australia, Fiji,South Africa and don't forget the hosting country of our RWC NZ. After interval we all assembled at the courts outside. later on we started to walk inside the hall as indivisual countries. Each country had their national anthem playing. After that Mike did a fantastic speech on the history of the RWC and then kicked a balloon to kick start the RWC for 2011!

We all walked to the field and sat down. Mike and DJ told us all the challenges we were to compete in to win the RWC.We had the DC challenge where we had to pick two people where one person would kick the ball and the other person would catch. There was a scrum challenge which was pretty simple just form a scrum and try to push as hard as you can to win. There was also a chip and chase and the chant challenge where we had to show how proud we are of our countries.

The first challenge we had was the chip and chase. We had to choose eight people to participate but we unfortunately lost that challenge. Next up was the chant challenge where we did our haka to intimidate our opponents with a fierce roar. We were so good that we won. Soon after that we did the scrum challenge. We had to challenge our rivals the Australians but after fighting we just gave up and lost. We had another chant challenge to get bonus points. We chose to do our haka and slowly walk up to the countries and scare them. The last challenge was the DC challenge but we also lost that event. We all sat down as our countries and waited for the scores. Mike added all the scores and Mike tells us who won unfortunately we came 2nd but better than last I suppose but South Africa won the RWC for 2011.

Overall this activity was a fabulous way to show our support to the RWC which is taking place in New Zealand.

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